Cheltenham, 18th October 2000

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Akleman,

Sara and I were so very sorry to hear from Edinburg of your news of Andrew. We three, along with Jamie Rennie, shared a flat together from autumn '97 in Edinburgh, at Elm Row. Over that time we came to know Andrew very well; it was a privilage to enjoy his company.

Since leaving Edinburgh we found that no matter how far Andrew travelled, he did not forget his friends. We keenly received the regular bulletins of his latest exploits and we were looking forward to welcoming him at our new home in Cheltenham.

The fondness with which we, and I know all his friends too, will remember him shall be a strong and ever-lasting testimony to his charm, sincerety, support and good humour.

With our very deepest and heartfelt sympathy,

Toby and Sara Jones.